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Enjoy browsing our complete online catalog of authentic fossils, minerals and science gifts! We offer many unique conversation pieces, collector specimens and decorator items.
Aspiration - Fish Swallowing its Prey
This piece has been sold, but we may have a similar item available. Contact us online to make an inquiry.
Carboniferous Fern, Montceau-les-Mines, France
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Diplomystus Aspiration - Fish Swallowing Fish
This piece has been sold, but we may have a similar item available. Contact us online to make an inquiry.
Enormous Blue Mammoth Tusk - 10’ long, 157 lbs.
This piece has been sold, but we may have a similar item available. Contact us online to make an inquiry.
Extraordinary Crinoids, Seirocrinus subangularis - 52” x 40”
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Fossil Fish Assemblage - 40 x 30.5 inches
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Fossil Fish Triptych, Green River Formation, United States
This piece has been sold, but we may have a similar item available. Contact us online to make an inquiry.
Giant Fossil Softshell Turtle from the Green River Formation - 6 feet long
This piece has been sold, but we may have a similar item available. Contact us online to make an inquiry.
Ichthyosaur, Stenopterygius quadriscissus - 4'
This piece has been sold, but we may have a similar item available. Contact us online to make an inquiry.
Iridescent Ammonite with Stunning Blue - 19"
This piece has been sold, but we may have a similar item available. Contact us online to make an inquiry.
Iridescent Ammonite, 16"
This piece has been sold, but we may have a similar item available. Contact us online to make an inquiry.
Jurassic Crocodile, Posidonia Shale, Germany
This piece has been sold, but we may have a similar item available. Contact us online to make an inquiry.
Jurassic Crocodile, Steneosaurus - 9.18'
This piece has been sold, but we may have a similar item available. Contact us online to make an inquiry.