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Petrified Wood - Auracarioxylon

$12,000.00 USD

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This petrified wood specimen offers a compelling study in time's passage. The rich interplay of orange, amber, and black hues, a consequence of mineral replacement, articulates the wood's organic form with striking clarity. One can trace the undulations of the original tree, now rendered in stone, a tangible vestige of its living history.

The transformation, occurring over millennia within mineral-rich, oxygen-deprived sediments, documents the slow, deliberate processes of geological change. This particular example of Auracarioxylon offers not only a visual connection to ancient ecosystems but also a valuable glimpse into prehistoric climates and environments.

Ultimately, this piece transcends simple display, becoming a timeless artifact that speaks to the deep history of our planet.



  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Class: Pinopsida
  • Order: Araucariales
  • Family: Araucariaceae
  • Genus: Araucarioxylon
  • Species: Auracarioxylon Arizonicum


  • Formation: Chinle Formation
  • Location: Arizona, United States of America
  • Age: 225 million years 


  • Dimensions: 28" x 25" (72 x 64 cm)
  • Weight: 15kg (33lbs)